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LAO PRIMER: The Center for Lao studies is pleased to publish the Lao Primer on the occasion of the Second International Conference on Lao Studies held at Arizona State University in May 2007. The Primer was originally published in 1965 by the Ministry of Education of the Royal Lao government. Pragmatics International, Inc. in cooperation with UNHCR later published it in 1982 for the purpose of distributing it to the Lao refugees in the refugee camps and the Lao diaspora. Our goal for producing the Lao Primer is solely to increase literacy in the Lao language among Lao overseas and those who already have basic knowledge of spoken Lao. The Center for Lao Studies kept the original writing style, grammar, vocabulary, and spelling as they appeared in the original book under the Royal Lao Government, which differs from the Lao language style used in today’s Laos. We hope you find this book to be helpful in assisting you to read and write Lao.
Free Download: LaoPrimer.pdf